FAQ & Policies
Cancellation Policy
Current as of July 2024 in line with NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Guidelines.
MICAH Inclusion is committed supporting families in accessing services, and realises that events happen that result in appointments being cancelled. We also committed to valuing our employees time.
This policy relates to all MICAH Inclusion activities and applies to all employees, contractors, students, advocates, Directors and others who may act on behalf of MICAH Inclusion.
Application of Policy
MICAH Inclusion is committed to meeting its obligations under the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022 - 23.
Short Term Cancellation
Where a Short Notice Cancellation (or no show) is made, MICAH Inclusion are able to claim 100% of the agreed fee associated with the activity from the participant’s plan, subject to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and the terms of the service agreement with the participant.
A cancellation is a short notice cancellation if the participant:
Does not show up for a scheduled support within a reasonable time, or is not present at the agreed place and within a reasonable time when the provider is travelling to deliver the support; or
Has given less than two(2) clear days’ notice for any therapy services and seven (7) days notice for support work services. .
MICAH will only charge, at their discretion, for a Short Notice Cancellation of the delivery of services to the participant if all of the following conditions are met:
● the NDIS Pricing Arrangements indicates that providers can claim for Short Notice Cancellations in respect of that support item; and
● the proposed charges for the activities comply with this NDIS Pricing Arrangements; and
● the provider has the agreement of the participant in advance (that is, the service agreement between the participant and provider should specify that Short Notice Cancellations can be claimed); and
● the provider was not able to find alternative billable work for the relevant worker and are required to pay the worker for the time that would have been spent providing the support.
While we have no hard limit on the number of short-notice cancellations, we have a duty of care to our client, and if an unusual number of cancellations occur, the business manager, director or program manager will endeavour to meet with the client to develop a plan going forward.
No Shows
If a client misses a session without contacting the therapy team to cancel a full fee will be charged for the missed session. Our team will endeavour to make contact and reschedule. If no contact is made after two attempts then the responsibility shifts to the client’s family to make contact to resume services.
Staff Cancellation
If MICAH staff need to cancel a service, no charge will be incurred. Clients will be contacted as soon a possible to reschedule.
Therapy @ the Clinic
We are very proud of our beautiful clinic space and welcoming our children in.
Parking, Drop Off and Pick Ups:
We have parking at the rear of the building so that parents can park and therapists will collect your child from their car. We will also transition your child back into the car at the end of the session and give a brief handover as needed. We also have lovely large windows so arriving early to pick your children up can be difficult for them as they are then anticipating the transition.
Session Times:
Please arrive on time, rather than early. We do not have a waiting room and have chosen not to have one. Children with Autism should not be made to wait unnecessarily. Please arrive on time to pick your child up as our therapists are booked back to back with clients on a tight schedule. If you are going to be late please let us know via the admin phone. If you are going to be later than 5 mins we may have to charge for that additional time at a Senior Behaviour Therapist Rate as they are the only ones that have the flexibility to leave a session.
End of Session:
At the end of each session, the therapist uses 15 mins to complete data recording and session notes and sanitise the therapy area. This means that our therapist can do a quick handover at pick-up but don't have time to give an in-depth review of each session. Sharing progress and strategies that are working is the domain of our Senior Behavioural Therapist and review meetings or phone calls can be booked. We are currently working on a way to easily share the data and session notes ... stay tuned.
Please send your child with:
A snack and water bottle Change of clothes or nappies if toileting is still developing.
Therapy @ the Home
We value being able to provide therapy at home as it can be an important setting for children to generalise new skills and for us to see their behaviours in the home environment.
Duty of Care:
Therapists assume the duty of care for the child they are working with only. They are unable to assume the duty of care for siblings.
Suitable Therapy Space:
A suitable therapy space needs to be provided such as a small table in a playroom or the dining room table. It is best that distractions such as siblings and animals are removed so that the child can focus on their therapist and learning.
Communication @ MICAH
Hi Rasmus
Hi Rasmus is an ABA platform where our children’s programs are created, and data is collected against their goals. The platform is accessible to our therapists and parents so they can see every detail of their child’s program and moment-by-moment data and progress.
Visit Hi Rasmus.